Pythagoras’ Law of Power in Numbers: What Are You Doing With Your Holy Influence?

Cosmic Therapy MODALITY: Esoteric Attraction Found in Numbers

.According to Pythagoras, (father of mathematics), “The world is built on the power of numbers.” If he knew anything, he understood how numbers form the basis of the entire universal structure. In this thought of deep possibility, one might surmise that specific numbers are invariably linked to certain events for reasons beyond present comprehension. What direction do you live in? What numbers make up your social security card? How do these numbers reappear or repeat themes in your daily walk?

Regardless of the prevailing circumstances, the scenarios presented in your current situation are nothing more than a growth/flourishing opportunity that your soul invites you to engage/learn/participate in so that you can break through restrictive, demeaning, and debilitating ideas that anything from exterior can or does hurt you. In other words, it cannot be delayed or overlooked. She has created the play, the script, and commanded the actors and actresses to play their most compelling individual roles. Like Charlie McRoy, the almost 12-year-old in my book just around the corner He found out very gracefully when he heard the encouraging little voice that anxiously told him, before entering the castle: “The only way out is to go inside.”

Wherever it is occurring right now in your specific life is where you need to go in deep! Without stopping on the circumference. Jump straight into the center of the pond. You are in an untamed area of ​​your life that longs for and needs to dispel the darkness. The uncertain journey seems contradictory; so confused and confusing. Due to your constant indecision and instability (inconstancy), you often end up misinterpreting events, leaving you feeling abandoned, fearful, insecure, abused, and severely misunderstood. In your case, you have no doubt experienced similar traumatic events and have never been able to release the detrimental magnetic influence they have on you. Instead of being tremendously present now, you have drifted off track and continue to drift in and out of unrelated current circumstances.

Aborted memories scream relentlessly how you were part of a compromised unit that was separated without warning by and through the people you thought cared about you. There is substantial evidence that this experience left you broken without ever getting over the pain of the associated betrayal. The leftover grief of the loss actually haunts your vibrant, effusive personality to the point where you feel strangely apprehensive. In essence, guilt shadows your behavior. This state of affairs needs healing. A deeply resonant maternal complex surrounds the loss. Predominantly, you behave in a suffocating role that is not very sexy, attractive or attractive to the opposite sex (partner).

You are seriously contemplating matters pertaining to: personal strength, stamina, fortitude, conviction, and determination. It’s an extremely private matter best explored alone. [Which seems so paradoxical because at this stage of the game, you are ready to de-ass and shine!] You no longer need to be the center of attention of others. The entertainment template is over! It’s time to move on to another more rewarding place. You are interested in personal growth, expansion and travel! The pleasure invoked, the fantasies explored, the beneficial gain come to the fore. As far as you are concerned, the incessant and worrying Ego has shown sufficient surrender without satisfaction in soul’s intention.

Pride and revenge have dominated your life and you are ready to remove the dross from your script forever. Dramatic emotional displays are no longer necessary to fill your boring empty stages. Your banner now says. Anger will no longer feed, depression will not be able to stay and morbid thoughts will not find a comfortable nest. If you sense even the slightest bit of “know-it-all” attitude and swaggering behavior in yourself, lurking in the shadows, all hell will break loose.

No more domination in relationships portrayed here, manipulative sexual behavior (unless it’s for sheer enjoyment and fun). In essence, you’re really ready to figure out what’s important to you and where you really like to spend your time, effort, and energy.

Many deaths and rebirths you have experienced in this short lifetime. Remember: it’s all a numbers game. Endings and beginnings intricately linked. The problem is that you have kept the lingering memories of those painful experiences with all the associated difficulties. It’s about time you had a good time. You have to release any and all grudges you may hold. You just can’t go on like this: being so mad at everyone and everything without even knowing why. Release guilt, guilt, and remorse, all in one breath. Buy a light blue candle, write your intention to release the karmic residue, and place these intentions under the candle. In your intention each month, write down the things you have difficulty with related to the obsessions of your critical and fussy mind. Light the candle on every full moon for the next twelve months. Dispose of the remaining wax and paper ashes in a moving body of water. Drop the idea of ​​any hero worship; come home to yourself, endlessly.

Also, once you’ve implemented the full moon ritual each month, pay special attention to the dates involved in doing so. How are these particular dates relevant in your life? What people do you know born on these specific dates? It starts out as a game, but you will quickly realize how numbers play a very important role in your daily existence. Life is an intricate puzzle that demands that we break it down into simple terms that we can understand and relate to. It is entertaining, fun and super charged with vital life sustaining sacred sensual sexual artistic energy.

What do you really want to investigate? Who do you want to really meet and get closer to ‘more than anything in the whole world’? start today. With no preconceived idea of ​​how it will happen, just pay attention to the signs, omens, and symbols being dropped at your doorstep. Start laughing more. Get more sexually involved in different exciting and exciting ways. Don’t block out the non-obvious just because it doesn’t immediately appeal to you. Great gifts are hidden in the moody. Open yourself to the unchanging possibilities sifted and bathed in the season of change. Life is so much fun! Do it and don’t come back empty handed. Yes!

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