Top 10 media relations tactics that deliver big bang for the buck with very few dollars

As this year quickly draws to a close, it’s time to determine your top three high-performing lead generation methods and assess how consistently you apply them. Too often, we make one-off attempts at any variety of marketing or public relations tactics, only to abandon them before giving them the benefit of consistent application. Let the New Year be the year you apply focus, discipline, and consistency to the top three high-performing lead generation methods in your business-building toolbox so you can reap the best rewards.

To that end, here are ten powerful media relations tactics for growing businesses to get serious about generating quality leads.

1. Write instructional articles for the outlets that have the most influence with your ideal customers. The value of editorial placements is said to be three times the value of advertising placements. How-to articles reach a wide audience of decision-makers and decision-makers in one swipe. They serve as credible and affordable brochures and often reside online indefinitely. They showcase your expertise in a way that inspires quality leads to contact you for more information. And business magazines are eager for your comment and perspective to inform their editorial plans, as long as you do it in a way that delivers your expertise without directly selling your company.

2. Post your how-to articles to online article directories like,, and E-newsletter publishers access these article directories for quality content, offering you the promise of potential global reach for their expertise and contact information.

3. Leverage your “how to” articles in the press with speeches and radio interviews. Media momentum can be a powerful thing. Earlier this year, I wrote an article for a marketing trade newspaper. A radio show producer invited me to be interviewed on his show after reading it. The radio interview helped promote one of my local talks, which, in turn, generated interest in my services and led to several new engagements.

4. Serve as an expert to reporters writing about your industry. Newspaper publishers want to hear from experts who have timely, newsworthy, relevant and trending ideas to share. Offer yourself as a credible, quality resource for the right reporters and ask for the opportunity to share your views. Prepare a bio that makes clear the areas you can comment on with impact, credibility, and insight and your qualifications. Share it with feature editors and win over reporters to know to call you the next time they write about your business or industry.

5. Launch and maintain a quality email newsletter to stay in touch with interested prospects. The beauty of email newsletters is that prospects are asking to be added to your mailing list because they are interested in what you have to offer, even though they may not be ready to buy right now. As long as you keep the share ratio at 80% and the sell ratio at 20%, your business will most likely be the first to call readers when they’re ready to buy. Visits to your website, emails and phone inquiries will increase in direct response to the effort.

6. Host free or low-cost webinars or teleseminars or seminars on a small scale to make your expertise readily available to prospects. It is efficient to share your information in a one-to-many way. Group settings are comfortable for evaluators. One-on-one sessions are more like sales pitches, and that can be awkward for those who aren’t ready to buy right now.

7. Share meeting notices with local newspapers. Exposure to your readers brings your message to a wide audience of potential event guests. For a list of our 27 best Puget Sound media outlets and online contacts to make it happen, visit our website to read more about Media-Savvy-to-Go Special Report #3.

8. Share valuable information by request. When people read your materials, they become more deeply involved with your experience. That makes them want to hire you for a fee. Try it. It works very well. That’s why so many companies do it. And remember, this is not sales information. It is useful information that draws on your experience. That is an important distinction.

9. Write press releases about grand openings, news and staff additions/promotions, and other happenings in your company, aimed at the right reporters covering your industry. If she wants to learn 89 Reasons to Write a Press Release, Joan Stewart offers a free online course to boost her learning. Sign up at

10. Enter prize contests that are well supported by the media. Earning recognition as Best Company to Work For, a spot on the list of America’s Most Powerful Women in Banking, or Company of the Year honors is a great way to gain media attention, new inquiries about your services, and networking opportunities. employment, while improving your reputation.

These activities take time, but not a lot of money, and can yield significant results in lead generation. My advice is to pick the top three tactics that best fit your skills, talents, and passions, and take action today. Your focused, disciplined, and consistent media relations efforts can set the stage for the best New Year ever.

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