Managing Anxiety With Prescription BuSpar – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

We’ve all had one of those weeks: the washing machine overflows, the dog forgets his house training and the little boy his potty training, the boss is going through a divorce and making everyone miserable. And you feel like you don’t know how to handle it all.

Anxiety is sadly an unavoidable part of modern life. But when anxiety keeps you from participating in daily activity or trying something new, it may be time to see your doctor for anxiety help.

What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety is the sensation caused by the release of stress hormones and brain chemicals that help us fight for our lives or flee from danger. In our evolutionary past, bursts of stress hormones may have helped give us a boost when running away from large animals with large teeth. And believe it or not, in the right situation, these hormones can be of great help in your day-to-day activities. Mild tension before giving a presentation can help you do your best. A blast of brain chemicals can help speed up your reaction time when you see a pedestrian run in front of your car, and it could save someone’s life!

When anxiety becomes a constant companion in our lives, we can start to have anxiety symptoms when we think about anything: work, marriage, children, even when we go to the supermarket. Symptoms include muscle tension, sweating, nausea or “butterflies”, clammy hands, difficulty swallowing, nervousness, upset stomach.

If these symptoms have become a part of your daily life, it may be time to talk to your doctor about an anti-anxiety medication like BuSpar.

But I’d rather be anxious than spaced!

You may remember the days when anxiety was treated with strong drugs that could calm a short-tempered elephant! But as scientists have learned more about the biology of anxiety, managing anxiety has become more sophisticated, improving your mood without turning you into a zombie. You will not become a Stepford wife. Instead, you will react the way you used to, both to happy events and anxiety-provoking situations.

BuSpar works gently by affecting your feelings over the course of a few weeks. Most people begin to feel relief during that period of time and can go back to living their lives.

While you don’t have to worry about walking in a haze, many people feel some dizziness or drowsiness when they first get used to BuSpar. You may want to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until your body has adjusted to the medicine.

Sounds great! Let’s go to the pharmacy.

Well, not yet. BuSpar is a prescription medicine and you will want to check a few things with your doctor before he gives you a prescription.

If you are taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (a type of antidepressant) or certain other medications, have ever had an allergic reaction to mood-altering medications, or have severe kidney or liver damage, this may not be correct drug for you.

Lastly, alcohol can have a huge impact on how your body responds to BuSpar, which is why you may want to skip the champagne in favor of a pancake brunch when you celebrate your anxiety-free life.

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