A Higher Calling: The Quest for the Kingdom of God

Jesus clearly said: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me brings him …” (John 6:44). Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The Christian call includes recognizing that Jesus is the only way to the Father, learning all about Him as the incarnate Word of God, and walking in that light as a way of life, following Jesus by the leading of the Holy Spirit, the power and influence of God (Romans 8:14, 1 John 2: 6).

Jesus instructs us to “Repent and believe the good news” (Mark 1:15). Such good news? The gospel of the Kingdom of God. Repent of what? Repent of breaking any of the holy commandments, whether in attitude or action, word or deed, in the letter or in the spirit of the Law (Matthew 5: 17-20, 1 John 3: 4).

Jesus not only told us to believe the good news, He calls us to repent: to have a change of heart, a renew of the mind; experiencing a new attitude and going in a different direction, confessing and abandoning those thoughts and ways that are not in peace and harmony with the Word and the Will of God (Isa. 55: 7-9, 2 Cor. 10: 5).

We should have an attitude of gratitude for the Passover Lamb of God’s supreme sacrifice for us, living our lives in loving obedience, living sacrifices, receiving forgiveness and the power to go and sin more and more (as we exercise the Holy Spirit and receive help from the Throne of Grace), knowing that we must overcome sin through Christ, not be defeated by him, unlike those rebels who preach the dangerous religious lie that overcoming is not important (2 Peter 1: 9, 1 John 2: 4, Revelation 2:26).

This sacred process is called conversion (Hebrews 8:10). God will add the finishing touch in resurrection to divine perfection. Those who currently participate in the divine nature they are beings of God in formation! (2 Peter 1: 4).

Around the age of 15, a girl she knew had stopped using drugs and sleeping, and her classmates made fun of her as “a Jesus monster.” I was impressed and admired that she was not ashamed to bring her Bible to school.

I soon began attending Bible studies with her group, formerly the Forever Family, but later switched to the Church of Biblical Understanding to distance her from any association with the nefarious Charles Manson. It was there that I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Now I recognize that they are a cult, but I am sure that God allowed that experience to ensure my familiarity with His Word, which is what caused me to separate from them later.

I relapsed into the teenage wasteland, but was hopeful that God would finally set me right, especially after praying once: “The more I try, the more I fall flat on my face.” Then Isaiah 45: 1-2 flashed before me, God emphasized that Hey would go before me, and what Hey I’d break my bonds I was given a quiet confidence and a quiet assurance that God has the ability to set us free; that God is stronger than our weaknesses. After all, “in the LORD I have righteousness and strength” (Isaiah 45: 6).

Around 17, after flirting with the foreign gods of Hinduism, I was miraculously called out of that deception by our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel who did not let Christ die in vain as my Savior. .

Later, unexpectedly, I was given a vision, a preview of the Kingdom of God where I saw myself as a brilliant spirit being teaching two humans. Only after reading Worldwide Church of God literature and getting baptized at age 19 did I see that confirmed what I saw was true: the Kingdom is the Family of God and we must become divine priest-kings ruling with Christ, but under his command; The Kingdom of the Divine Beings will rule the Earth from Jerusalem!

Truly this spiritual journey is the adventure of a lifetime! It’s a daily search for the Kingdom of God and justice, live and learn, so help us God.

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