Can Jaw Slimming Botox Be Reversed?

Jaw Slimming Botox Be Reversed

The jawline is a large and prominent part of the face, but for many people, it can look bulky or overweight. A simple injection of Botox into the masseter muscles can slim the lower half of the face and create a more feminine jawline appearance. This procedure can also alleviate temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain and teeth clenching, and it is considered an alternative to jaw surgery.

The injections are a quick and effective treatment, requiring no downtime. The results can take 2 to 8 weeks to become visible, but they will look natural to others—it will be as if you lost a little weight or some baby fat from the area. The masseter muscle is very small and surrounded by larger muscle tissue, so the injections will not be obvious to anyone who does not know you.

Botox works by blocking nerve signals to the targeted muscle. This causes the muscle to relax and the wrinkles around the Jaw slimming botox and temples to soften. Once the Botox has been metabolized by your body, normal muscle function will resume and you will be free of the lines and wrinkles. It’s important to understand that while the jawline slimming effects of Botox can be reversed, it cannot remove or shrink a wide mandible bone structure, which is what gives some people a square jaw line.

Can Jaw Slimming Botox Be Reversed?

To perform jaw slimming Botox, your medical cosmetic practitioner will first disinfect the injection site with rubbing alcohol and then apply a numbing cream or gel. Once the area is comfortable, they will administer Botox into each of the jaw muscles, two injections per side. The amount of Botox injected into the jaw muscles will vary, but 20 units is often enough to achieve the desired result.

During the procedure, you may experience some mild pain and numbness, but this should be brief. Once the Botox has been absorbed, the masseter muscles will relax and the enlarged muscle tissue will gradually reduce in size, which will sculpt the jawline and refine the lower half of the face. The process usually takes a week to see functional results, and within six weeks, you will notice a slimmer jawline.

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks involved with jawline slimming Botox, but they are relatively rare. Some people can develop dry mouth from the injections, and if the masseter muscles are injected too far forward or in the wrong plane, they could affect muscles that involve facial expression and cause a crooked smile. It is also possible that the masseter muscles will be relaxed to a point where they appear unnaturally bulging, but this can be remedied with follow-up treatments.

If you are considering jawline slimming Botox, be sure to find a medical professional with extensive experience in the treatment. The practitioner should be able to visually assess your jawline and determine whether this is the right treatment for you. They should also be able to palpate the masseter muscles and identify the proper injection sites.

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