Generate Stem Cells Naturally

You can generate trillions of stem cells in a month when you take glyconutrients every day, if every newborn cell is coated with them. {sixteen}

The cost? Between $60 and $200 per month, depending on your body’s health, toxic overload, and history of nutrient deficiencies. On the other hand, stem cell transplants can cost $150,000 each, and some people who receive stem cell transplants end up with fungal/viral infections for a hospital stay. The transplanted stem cells have caused tumors and terrible health problems for the recipient.

Stem cell generation from glyconutrient intake is automatically recognized as one’s own, pure and simple.

What are Stem cells?

Stem cells are not “finished” or part of a tissue or organ, but they do have the ability to grow into any other cell in the body. So a stem cell can become a neuron, a liver cell, a brain cell, a nail cell… anything the body needs, and the body knows what to do with the actual nutrition!

Glyconutrients give cells the ability to recognize where the body needs help, transfer the information, and generate stem cells to repair or replace damaged cells.

JAMA report

the feb. On January 19, 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Ass’n (JAMA) reported that the donor’s stem cells crossed the blood-brain barrier and became neurons in the recipient’s brain.

These people took {and take} glyconutrients

A doctor in Texas, H. Reginald McDaniel has a scientific team who noticed that many unexplained FUNCTION were restored in the central nervous system, cells of the pancreas, lungs, kidneys, and heart, after receiving glyconutrients for a long period of time. weather.

They have seen changes in people of all ages, including babies, children, adolescents, adults and some very old people, who were thought to be in irreversible health situations. They also provide other basic nutrients to help all of the body’s systems heal themselves.

Anecdotal reports from afar

The JAMA report explains these medically impossible changes that Dr. McDaniel’s team saw in themselves, in their patients, and heard various reports from people who didn’t know they were taking the supplements.

Diseases or disease processes cannot be legally named, but these symptoms have alleviated:

Autoimmune disorders, psychological disorders such as ‘hearing voices and depression, allergies/asthma; heart disease, cholesterol, weight loss/lean-fat ratio. Yeast death occurs… the list goes on and on.

Grandma was right: “Eat your fruits and vegetables.” These days, that statement should include “grown in organic soil with no chemicals.”

I have a VHS tape {4} that talks about the heart of a premature baby who had ‘incurable’ health problems. The doctors kept saying “We don’t understand!” {why he ended up in normal health at age 5}. {5} It is now out of compliance due to legal red tape. Hopefully soon we can talk about the diseases that have been reversed.

What about viruses?

Although fever is the body’s way of destroying viruses {please don’t bring your fever down unless it’s dangerously high}, constant diet-related inflammation leads to obesity, diabetes, arthritis {of all kinds}, brain disorders/dementia, etc.

Antibiotic use can cause cancer {6}, it does not kill viruses, and constant use will create a foundation for bacterial/joint infections, heart disease, IBS, and commonly increases allergic reactions sooner or later. {6} {7}

Glyconutrients help protect cells from viruses and bacteria.

These important nutrients have all but disappeared from our food chain. For the past 100 years, commercial farming has taken over family gardens. For the most part, these farms do not replicate the soil with 87 minerals or enzymes: they allow friendly microorganisms and earthworms to break down organic molecules {make humus} which creates nutrients for plants; they control the acidity, or they let it rest for one year out of seven. {7}

Humus is the basis for soil life. Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides/herbicides kill vital microorganisms and soil health.

And most fruits and vegetables are harvested green. *Only vine-ripened plants* develop all the nutrients that make them so healthy.

Let it rot or radiate

Irradiation, according to HSI panelist Allan Spreen, MD, in 2002: “Irradiation accelerates the growth of the mold aspergillus which produces the most potent natural carcinogens {cancer-causing} known to man, called aflotoxins.” Or known as formaldehyde and benzene.

The FDA changed the process from calling radiotoxins to “unique radiolytic” and “known radiolytic.” Makes terms easier to swallow {pun intended.}

From the book “Science or Miracle”, Extract from pages 28 – 29:

“Food is exposed to extremely high doses of radiation to kill bacteria, parasites and fungi that can cause spoilage. Gamma rays are used…such as cobalt-60 in doses of 100,000 to 3 million rad. A dose of 10 000 rad totally destroy any living tissue… made to our fruits, vegetables, flour,

nuts, chicken and other foods.” {4}

Buy the best – Don’t be fooled

When you buy glyconutrients, the company must have saccharides to protect others during digestion, to make the IMMENSURABLE, irreplaceable chains they need to make, in nano to… seconds. Only the body fully knows how to make them.

Visit for continuing education {CE} credits for physicians and other healthcare professionals.


{1} “The Missing Nutrients” by Dr. Steve Nugent

{2} – Licensed healthcare professionals can sign up and click “Email” to receive the protocol.

{3}, – SYLLABI studies for sale.

{4} “Science or Miracle,” by George V. Dubouch, Ph.D. – book 147 pages – Extract pages 28 – 29

{5} – Glyconutrient/health CD, Books, Results Project {ADD/HD} & University of Miami Certified Nutrition Course – See “Training” link.

{6} – National Cancer Institute – Dr. Roberta Ness from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health

{7} –

{8} PubMed: 15618138: Noverr MC, Falkowski NR, McDonald RA, McKenzie AN, Huffnagle GB

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