Help your loved one find fun and adventure in the grieving process

The words fun and adventure are rarely mentioned when someone is grieving. The grieving process can be lonely and filled with a deep sense of loss and sadness for long periods of time. However, the grieving process can also include joy and inspiration.

During the holidays, I had the opportunity to go to Disneyland with my sister to see my niece’s band perform. My last trip to Disneyland was more than 17 years ago, after my mother passed away. As I walked through the park, I remembered how much joy going to Disneyland brought me even when I was in deep sadness.

My friends took me to Disneyland to help lift my spirits a few weeks after my mother’s funeral. It was hard to imagine having fun while full of sadness, but when my friends suggested going to Disneyland, I felt it would be an opportunity to relax and have a little fun.

My mom loved Disneyland and we went a lot when I was little. Going to Disneyland was not only a way to have fun, it was also a way to connect with my mother through a shared passion for the happiest place on earth.

We had a magical day. We let loose, we had fun and we enjoyed the sun and the walks. It was a tremendous launch!

Taking the time to lift your loved one out of the daily heaviness they experience can be an uplifting gift that they will appreciate. Here are some suggestions on how to start planning an inspiring adventure:

1. What is your comfort level? Each person is unique and so is the journey through the grieving process. When approaching a friend to go out into the world, be compassionate about their comfort level. Always include them in the planning process.

2. Find adventures that are fun for them. What do they love to do? What have you always wanted to do? Help them reconnect with life and joy through the simple pleasures in life. Do you love going to the movies? Going to the beach? Walking in the park? Are you going to Disneyland? Did you always want to learn to dance? Help them understand that they are allowed to have fun, even when they are in distress.

3. This is not a time to push or demand. Start slow and offer options that move them in a direction of hope and joy. Let them say “no” if they are not ready.

Four. Avoid surprises. The grieving process can be overwhelming. Even if your intentions are admirable, surprising someone who is grieving does not give them a chance to back down if they are not ready or have had a rough day.

5. Start slowly and allow them to put one foot in front of the other. In the early stages of grief, just getting out of bed and taking a walk can be difficult. Every little step forward will help your loved one restore balance in their life.

An inspiring adventure will not eliminate deep feelings of sadness or cure the pain your loved one is experiencing. However, it can bring a smile to their faces, open their hearts just a little, and help them start feeling joy again.

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