How to choose the best juicers for your needs

Having fresh, healthy and delicious fruity drinks in the morning, afternoon and evening is the great advantage of getting the best juicers. Of course, you may only get one machine for your entire household, but you need to consider a number of factors to ensure that you can find a fruit juicer that works in your favor when it comes to quality and function.

Get the best juicers

Finding a juicer machine that works well for your preferences is not a difficult job, there is a growing selection of these machines available today. However, there are a few things to consider before getting one. One of the things you have to keep in mind is knowing the different types of juicers and which one best suits your needs. There are basically four of these, which are as follows:


These juicer machines are often the ones you are used to and are mainly used to juice citrus fruits like oranges, limes, and lemons among others. Since the basic function of this type is to extract juice by pressing, you can find models of the non-electric type.

Most people who juice for weight loss find that the best ones are often of this type, since citrus is most commonly the type of fruit used for dieting. One only needs to cut a citrus fruit in half and press the halves onto a rotating cone, which then scarves the fruit to produce juice.


Compared to other types, this is a convenient option for those who don’t want to put the effort into juicing. You’ll first need to chop the fruits before loading them into a hopper where a revolving basket further cuts the fruits and then grates them to release the liquid.

The rotating action creates a circular force that collects the pulp within the walls of the basket, making it easy to clean. It is one of the best juicers as it provides fast juicing while being easy to clean. They can also work to make vegetable juice.

Some models of centrifugal juicers are so-called pulp ejectors, which remove the pulp and skin from the machine through a separate chamber, allowing for quick and easy separation of juice and pulp.


While this device can’t compete with other types when it comes to speed, a chewing juicer can prove to be an effective way to get all the liquid out of your fruits. Because it does not just get rid of the necessary pulp or skin, one is sure to get the most juice out of their fruits.

This would make a chew model ideal for those juicing for health reasons, ensuring that every inch of juice can be obtained within a fruit. These features can also be found in another form of masticating juicers, which are the dual gear models. They can also work on the juice of any type of product possible, and some of these best juicers are equipped with bioceramic materials that can help extend the life of the juice.

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