Is the carrot and stick method useful in higher education?

Consider how the learning process begins for students. As a general rule of thumb, when students start their degree programs they expect to get good grades, useful skills, and relevant knowledge. Paid tuition secures placement in a class and there are implicit outcomes that students expect as a result of their participation in that class. Rather, instructors expect students to obey academic rules, perform to the best of their abilities, and meet specific class requirements that include deadlines for completing learning activities.

For students, grades serve as an indicator of their progress in class, a symbol of their achievements and failures, and a record of their position in a degree program. I have heard many students claim that their primary goal for the class was to get what they call “good grades,” although they may not be fully aware of what constitutes a good grade for them. When students are not getting good grades, or the minimum expected by instructors and / or the school, instructors may try to push them forward, either through positive motivational methods like coaching and mentoring, or negative motivational methods that they include threats and a degradation. provision.

I found that many educators put a carrot in front of their students through indirect methods, such as the possibility of getting a better grade, such as an “A” on an indicator of final performance in school. Incentives to promote better performance, including additional time or an assignment to resubmit a written assignment, may be provided as a means of encouraging students to perform better.

My question is whether the focus of teaching in higher education should be on the carrot that we put in front of students to perform better or should there be more focus on what motivates each individual student to perform to the best of their abilities? . In other words, do we need to hang something in front of the students to serve as a source of motivation?

What is the carrot and stick method?

I think most people understand the meaning of hanging a carrot in front of students to motivate them. The phrase is actually based on a story about a method of motivating a donkey and while the carrot is hanging in front of him, the stick is used to push the animal. The carrot serves as a reward and the stick is used as a form of reinforcement and punishment for non-compliance.

This approach is still used in the workplace, even unconsciously by managers, as a method of motivating employees. The carrot or incentives can include a promotion, a raise, different assignments, and the list goes on. The rod used, or the punishment for not reaching specific goals or performance levels, may include demotion or loss of job. Such a threat can serve as a powerful motivator, even if the essence of this approach is negative and stressful.

The Carrot and Stick Approach in Higher Education

If you are unsure about the use of this approach in higher education, consider the following example. You are providing feedback for a written assignment and it is now the middle ground of the class. For a particular student, you believe that they have not met the criteria for the assignment and, more importantly, they have not tried hard enough, have not met your expectations, or have not reached their full potential.

It is worth mentioning that your beliefs about students are determined by how you view them and their potential. In other words, I try to see my students as individuals who have different levels of achievement and that means that some will be more advanced than others. In contrast, instructors who believe they do not have enough time to get to know their students as individuals can view the class as a whole and set an expectation regarding the overall performance level that all students should be at by this point in time. particular of the class.

Going back to the example provided, my question is this: do you reward the student’s attempt or penalize him for what you perceive as a lack of effort? As a teacher trainer, I have interacted with many teachers who believe that all students should be high achievers and get top grades, regardless of their background and previous classes. When students do not meet that expectation, there is a perception that students either don’t care, are not trying, or are not reading and applying the feedback provided. The instructor’s response then is to hang up a carrot (incentive) and use the stick to try to change the necessary behaviors of the students.

Relevance for adult learning

Many educators, especially those who teach in traditional college classes, have the perception that instructors are in control and students must comply. This reinforces the belief in students that they have no control over their results and that is why many believe that grades are out of their control. I have seen many students stop trying when they enrolled in a class I was teaching simply because they could not make a connection between the effort they had put in and the results or grades they received. In other words, even though they believed they were doing everything “right”, they were still getting poor grades.

At the heart of the adult learning process is motivation. There are as many degrees of motivation as there are types of students, and it is not realistic to expect all students to perform at the same level. I have learned through time and practice that adult learner behaviors do not or will not change permanently as a result of forced compliance. However, behaviors will change over time when an instructor has established a connection with their students and has established a sense of reporting with them. I encourage instructors to think beyond hanging a carrot and trying to influence behavior, and not always through the use of rewards.

From a carrot to a connection

It is important for instructors to create a classroom climate and conditions that are conducive to student participation, while realizing (and recognizing) that all students have the ability to learn and some gradually reach their potential while others become they develop much more quickly. My focus of instruction has changed from the beginning of a carrot or rewards focus to a student focus. I want to make connections with students and foster productive relationships with them, even when I’m teaching an online class and I have to consider the distance factor. I encourage students to put forth effort and welcome creative risks. I teach students to accept what they call their failures as valuable learning lessons. I encourage their participation in the learning process, encourage their original thinking during class discussions, and teach them that their efforts influence the results received.

I recognize that this type of approach is not always easy to implement when classroom management is time consuming, and this is especially true for adjunct instructors. However, at the very least, it can become an engaging attitude and instructional practice. I encourage instructors to include it as part of their underlying teaching philosophy so they will recognize it and work to implement it. Every educator should have a well-thought-out teaching philosophy, as it guides how he acts and reacts to students and classroom conditions. A focus on the student, rather than a focus on the carrot and stick, creates a shift in perspective from looking first at students’ shortcomings and seeing their strengths, along with their potential. It is an attitude of looking away from lack and seeking meaning in the learning process, and a shift from looking at an entire class to looking at individual students. My hope is that this inspires you to reevaluate and reexamine how to teach your students and consider new methods to drive their best performance.

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