Legal Scammer Phone Scam: 900 Phone Line Offer

Several of the 900 phone line operators are now offering to share the wealth: give you a chance to be like them. They will put you in business for yourself, the easy way: they will do all the work and you will sit back and enjoy the profits. They already have the facilities and the operators/responders/counselors–or whatever you call these people–and now they’re reaching out to your wallet for friendship. “Share” you could call it something else.

For a little less than $500 you can offer all the same “services they offer. They will set you up with your own 900 phone number turnkey package business. Top 3 model packages you can choose from such as the offer of her own 900 service, are: 1. Matchmaker – Access her excellent staff of Dear Abby-like advisors to find kindred spirits of all stripes, from lovers to lovers to love-makers 2. Psychic – Touch her mystical stable of Twilight gurus Zone.Trying to Outdo Rod Serling in Selling Astrophysical Advice 3. Adults (Read, Porn.) Self explanatory.

You’ll be happy to know that these lines will work for you 24/7 and that their advisors are very adept at racking up chargeable minutes, the main goal of the business: the average now is 10 minutes per call, in those who charge $2.99-$5.99 per minute, of which they will waive $1.00 per minute for the use of your lines. You won’t have to worry about maintenance, operations, management, of any kind. Its only function will be, out of its own pocket, publicity. This is his idea of ​​serving a 7-course meal, consisting of a hot dog and a 6-pack.

Why so much generosity?

Simply because this sponge is almost dry. These folks have already tapped into their main advertising outlets—underground newspapers, Howard Stern-style radio shows, and wacky Internet sites—and are now turning around for every last scrap of business they have left.

So now they would like to invite you aboard their earning train, if you bring with you please any new business you can get from your local newspaper classified ads, Kiwanis Club and school yearbook associations high school, and the mall billboard. publications

Conversely, if it doesn’t, so what? At this point, they already have their money up front. Now they can just ignore it and request the next candidate on their sucker list for this glorious no-job/all-game turnkey package business setup.

Would I have anything to gain from a business association of this type? If you don’t mind being known as a weirdo, con artist, or pornographer, maybe. Although doubtful. If you feel that a new identity added to your name in your community might be offensive to you, don’t. Remember a fundamental Law of Bureaucracy, which applies closely in this case: The solution to one problem creates a new problem.

A clear look shows that the only difference between a rut and a grave is depth. Even singularly, based on your earning potential alone, that appears not to be the case. You would probably get as far in life, with the same social acceptance, if you took a shot of acid, smoked a joint, and stole some money from your mother.

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