Market America Review – Is Market America’s ‘No Franchise’ a Good Business? has been generating a lot of buzz lately. So naturally people wonder if Market America is a scam. What is the Market America Unfranchise business opportunity and can it work for the average person? Let’s find out the history of this company and find out if it is a fraudulent pyramid scheme or a good business to start. A growing story

When Market America started, it had a few trinkets to offer customers and a great vision to grow into a “mall without walls” where distributors could sell quality products from any type of product line to their customers. Since then it has grown into that vision. JR Riddinger (Founder and President of MA) has created an online store where the representative can offer his customers almost all brands of products and get credit for it.

Market America Products

Market America offers its own branded products, as well as branded products that everyone is familiar with. Makeup, nutritional products, jewelry and many more products are part of what Market America offers as exclusive lines that customers cannot find anywhere else, which is important. But the company also offers its representatives a web portal on the Internet that allows customers to buy almost any product in any store.

How? Simply send your customer to your Market America web portal, where they can choose from almost any store! Stores like Kohl’s, Walmart, Disney, Apple, Nike and thousands more are available to the customer. Once the customer has clicked on a store they are taken to the EXACT website of the store, but the rep now receives some credit for bringing the customer and commission points can be paid to earn checks.

So not only does a representative have exclusive Market America brand products to sell, they can also benefit from sending people to shop at the online stores they already shop at through their own Market web portal. America.

Business and money end

Market America calls its business opportunity the ‘Unfranchise’ because it claims to offer training and a systematized method of running a business, but without the large up-front costs you will find with franchises.

It’s still a classic MLM setup, though no matter how hard they try to tell you it’s not. As a business representative, you must sell a certain amount of product each quarter, which is usually a small enough amount for anyone to do so. However, the real money comes from building your organization by hiring other people for your business and teaching them to do the same.

As your organization grows, you will earn commission checks based on the amount your organization sells and hires. The larger your organization, the more sales you make, the more commission you earn.

Can Work For You?

So up front I have to say that Market America is NOT a scam. There are many products to sell to the end consumer not to mention affiliation with other big brand stores that would never risk their reputation by getting involved in a scam.

What you really have to ask yourself is “Can this business work for me?” What I mean by that is asking questions like:

“Do I really want to ask my family and friends to buy me a product?”

“Do I really want to invite my warm market to meetings and hotel presentations all the time?”

“Do I want to organize a home product display to invite family and friends to buy my product?”

“Do I have a way to produce new leads that are REALLY interested in my business and products, be it a traditional advertising method or an online method?”

Make sure you have a way to produce new leads on a daily basis or your business will never grow to the level you need.

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