Meanings and examples of sentences for the answers of the vocabulary workshop Level F Unit 2

The vocabulary workshop responds to level f, unit 2 involves words that we rarely use in our daily conversation, which makes it difficult to understand. It is best to know their meanings and use them in the simplest statement possible to facilitate learning.

The following words are just some of the answers found in the answers from the vocabulary workshop level f, unit 2. You can use the following meanings and examples to also guide you to create your own sentences using the same words.

The first answer is the word improve, which means to improve or improve. As a national athlete, you have to improve to get the gold medal.

The second word is poise, which means poise or self-control. If you are a professional model, you should always show poise wherever you are.

The third word is bombastic, an adjective that means pretentious or boastful language. Many government officials speak grandly to cover up their shortcomings.

The fourth answer is the word, callow, which is an adjective that refers to inexperienced or underdeveloped. We should never vote for an inexperienced candidate because he could become a follower of overwhelming and wandering officials instead of leading the nation.

The fifth word is the noun nonsense which means nonsense. The audience disagreed with the speaker because everything he said is nonsense.

The sixth word is epitome, which means a typical example or a paradigm. Mother Teresa is the personification of a Good Samaritan.

The seventh answer is to exhort is a verb that means to urge or advise strongly. Parents should exhort their children to the values ​​of a good education.

The eighth word is ex officio, which means by virtue of holding a certain position. The governor is the ex officio member of the committee.

The ninth response is violated, which is a verb that means to break or violate. To avoid any legal action, do not infringe any patents.

The last word is ingratiating, which means standing up for someone else. The politician donated money to the charity and had it published to ingratiate himself with the admiration.

The answers from the vocabulary workshop for level f, unit 2, are in fact words that we do not come across every day, but are worth knowing and understanding well. Developing your vocabulary skills will also improve your communication skills.

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