Paint Israel Black: Jews Will Lose Jerusalem!

Israel’s rejection of its 1967 miracle will result in the loss of Jerusalem. Let Israel lower its flag and lament and paint the country BLACK since Orange was crushed by soldiers “just following orders” doing the dirty work of their sworn enemies …

The official Israeli rejection of their victory in the God-given Six-Day War will result in further loss of life and the end of Jewish Jerusalem. With the abuse and perversion of the Jewish troops (who swore to defend Jews and Israelis), engaged in the ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the Biblical territories, once Providence gave them the power to liberate them, their punishment will be loss. of miracles and the loss of Jerusalem and Israeli sovereignty. ! THE EU BOAT WILL SOON TREAD ON JERUSALEM AND TREAD ON ISRAEL!

The illegitimate deployment of General Sharon of the Israel Defense Forces to illegally force productive Jews from their loving homes and thriving businesses (having turned that former desert region into a now shamefully pricked rose – Numbers 33:55), not to secure Israel’s future (having gambled on foreign and foreign investors with an eye on Jerusalem), but to bow down to his German Jesuit teachers, he sold Israel and invited disaster from international troops to soon flood the Middle Orient as “peacemakers.”

The Sharon and Bush crime company had been warned enough by God and the People not to reward terrorism and enrich themselves with Jewish blood, sweat and tears or waste precious American lives in the war on Nazi-Muslim terrorism (without serious intentions to WIN), treacherously entertaining thoughts of another Arab terrorist state, a cursed “Palestine” (seeking to wipe our father Jacob-Israel’s name off the map – Ps. 83: 4), and shaking bloody hands with terrorists in suits and ties. May God take note and reward you accordingly. Your sins against God, the United States, and Israel, stink to heaven!

The Word and Will of God is for the Jewish people, a pioneer tribe of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (which includes the American and British peoples), to be heirs to the Promised Land, preparing it for the greater influx of representatives of the other tribes. . , the so-called “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel”. The Hebrew word for “settler” is HEIR.

Our Jewish brothers are called to lead a holy life in the Holy Land (Malachi 4: 4), setting an example for other nations to follow. Instead, the Jewish homeland has been cursed with the “new” secular Israeli who wants to deny his Hebrew roots as a JEW and his biblical responsibilities, and be like all other nations, instead of being a “Light to all nations.”

There is nothing new under the sun. Such “Israelis” in former times were called Hellenists, and we know that the unwarranted hatred they had for God and the Jews of faith that created a schism, a rift, which allowed the foreign intervention of Antiochus Epiphanes (“god in the flesh “) that caused Caused and contaminated the Temple and slaughtered those who resisted its” advances “(all heralding the EU’s entanglement in Israel and its would-be divine emperor contaminating the impending Temple).

Today, the hypocritical family of nations preaches to Israel about how to supposedly obtain peace with the “Palestinians” (a fictional people who have brainwashed the world with their BIG LIE) by giving up “land for peace.” This despite the fact that history claims that appeasement never works! Now Israel finds itself with much less land, but WHERE IS THE PEACE?

Instead of coming to its senses and discarding such a miserably failed formula, Israel continues to swallow the poisonous brew and under international influence, drunk on such deceptions, hears more wicked advice from men and women who play God, some even professing to be Christians and Jews, nations with the nerve to mock and reject the LAND COVENANT that God made only with Israel (Joel 3: 2).

Israel is drinking to death, refusing to recover from the bleeding wound with which the lying and deadly peace process has struck (Isaiah 28: 15-18), sinking deeper (Dan. 9:11), Instead of going back to our Great Creator God (Hosea 6: 1-2), the God who promised the Land to Israel (not Ishmael), and confessing that former Israeli MP and Rabbi Meir Kahane was right! ! Israel is suffering the dire consequences for rejecting their prophetic warnings and asking Israel to remove the threat posed by the Arab enemy and enforce PEACE THROUGH FORCE (Dan. 9:11).

International pressure will be exerted on Israel to “share” Jerusalem (as requested by UN Resolution 181), divide its eternal capital, with its “peace partners” who call daily for genocide against the Jews and the destruction of Israel! ! However, biblical prophecy reveals that Jerusalem will be confiscated and taken from the Jews, the entire city captured by the greedy EU, and half of it (undoubtedly East Jerusalem) forcibly evicted, Jewish homes looted, and women brutally raped:

Zechariah 14: 1-3

1 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming,

And your loot will be shared between you.

2 For I will gather all nations to fight against


The city will be taken

The looted houses

And the raped women.

Half the city will go into captivity,

But the rest of the town will not be cut off from

the city.

3 Then the LORD will go out

And fight those nations,

As he fights on the day of battle.

Proud and stubborn nations, in violation of rank against God’s Land Covenant with Israel, want to impose themselves on Israel, get their way with Jerusalem, and rape Jewish women! And Israel has prostituted herself with foreign customs, submitted to their idolatrous ideas, and refused to submit to God’s Word and remember that the Holy One of Israel is King! The Great God of the Hebrews demonstrated this to the nations when he assumed the Egyptian superpower and rescued his damsel in distress.

God says to foolish nations, “Do you want a piece of this?” And the nations that forget that they are men, only mortals, will dare to defy the Word and Will of God, and will come against Jerusalem without realizing that our God of war, our Commander-in-Chief and LORD of Hosts, is leading them into an ambush! It will let the fascist EU wreak havoc for a time, even three and a half years, but then it will put them in their place, torment them for their insolence, and cast them like chaff from the Temple Mount of Jerusalem.

May Jerusalem and the cities of our God, the cities of Judah, hear this GOOD NEWS! And they will: Two witnesses, with the bold spirit of Elijah, will testify of this biblical account before Israel’s captive audience from occupied Jerusalem (Zechariah 4:14).

We will not be left without comfort, but we will be offered hope to fight despair and we will be given faith to fight fear, encouraged by his announcement that our heavenly King will come and save us:

Isaiah 40: 1, 9

1 “Comfort, yes, console my people!”

Says your God …

9 Oh Zion,

You who bring good news

Climb the high mountain;

Oh Jerusalem,

You who bring good news

Raise your voice with force,

Pick it up, fear not;

Say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!”

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