Savor every moment

Today, while eating a roast beef spinach wrap from Joe’s Meat Shoppe on Route 111 in North Hampton, NH, I suddenly felt a great appreciation for what I was eating. I savored each bite, noting the flavors consuming my mouth.

For some reason, the roast beef looked even tastier than usual. Okay, I was really hungry, but I don’t think that was it. I have been actively setting the intention to be present and focused in everything I do.

My body has been releasing long-held memories that no longer serve me, and as I surrender and let myself go at my deepest unconscious level, it is giving me space to show myself more consciously, and I am noticing that I enjoy every moment as if it is a new experience, with wonder, joy and appreciation. I see beauty in ways I haven’t noticed before.

Another sensory experience yesterday was the heat of the fire in my office. I recently moved my office to a room in our house that I had envisioned as my office when we bought the house two years ago. Hold those visions, friends, bring them to life, pay attention to them, and then release the tension until it is perfect and correct.

So as I enjoyed this space, I was not only filled with gratitude for finally seeing this piece of the puzzle put into place, I felt even more gratitude for being able to light a fire in the large fireplace, hear the crackling, smell the sweet smoky aroma, and let yourself be enveloped by comfort. I also appreciated that the new setup allowed my son and I to sit next to each other at my desk comfortably as we tackled his homework. I leaned back and rocked in my favorite chair as one of my support team guided me through a meditation. On Sunday I sat on the floor while a mother and her two children enjoyed a session where they learned their main passion and tapped with Tappy Bear while telling Tappy how much they missed his father who is in Afghanistan.

Many pictures were drawn on the board, pictures were colored in, puzzles were put together, and my heart skipped a beat when the boy spelled out, “tappee bear is fun” in Bannangram letters. Why am I sharing all these pleasant experiences with you? Because every moment that I feel in gratitude fills my mind, body and consciousness with joy. Raise my vibration so that what I am sending to the universe and to my higher power is letting you know to send more my way. I prefer to be receiving more joyful experiences in my life, and when I notice, feel, allow and appreciate, I am filled with peace and presence. I remember myself and I invite you to take some time to be present in your life, in everything you do, whether alone or with others. It is one of the best gifts you can share.

As you pay more attention and enjoy the moments, you will notice that you are experiencing peace and love more regularly. Take a deep breath … hold it … and release it slowly. AAAAH – doesn’t it feel wonderful now?

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