The benefits of playing Cashflow 101

  1. Earned This is your 9 to 5 full time job
  2. Liability: comes from investments such as rental properties or small businesses.
  3. Portfolio: comes from investments in paper assets, such as stocks and options.

In school we all learned how to do number 1. In Cashflow 101 you learn how to do numbers 2 and 3. One of the main goals of the game is to get out of the rat race by creating enough passive income to exceed your monthly expenses. . This is called being “financially independent.”

In Cashflow 101, you will learn how to generate passive income by investing in rental properties and small businesses. Here you earn extra money that is added to your monthly earned income from your occupation. By investing in more and more cash creating assets you can ultimately get out of the rat race onto the fast track.

To achieve some of the business or real estate opportunities, you may need to generate some income through your portfolio. In Cashflow 101 you can invest in certain stocks and learn when is the best time to buy and sell them. This is known as a fundamental investment. In Cashflow 202 you will learn how to make “technical investments” through options such as “call” and “put”.

To do this effectively, you must learn to maintain a financial state. Cashflow 101 teaches you how to set one up and how to maintain it. This is your ongoing life report card, rating it based on how well you are living.

What you ultimately learn is how you treat money. Many times people reflect their bad habits in this game. See who’s making money and getting out of the rat race and who’s still stuck.

As long as you approach the game with an open mind, you will learn to control your money habits. You will also learn to identify business or investment opportunities.

It will take you a few games to understand the concept of the game. No one learned to ride a bike just by reading it. It took you a couple of falls before you really got it, remember? According to Robert Kiyosaki, it will take you twice to learn the rules and strategies. After that, your learning and your level of fun will continue to increase!

The next step is to get out there and apply the principles you will learn. You only live once, and who says it has to be for work? The opportunities available to you to get ahead are endless! Playing the Cashflow game will change your life! It all depends on what you do with your new knowledge.

For your success!

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