The law of attraction and other unexpected surprises

I have always been a believer in the Law of Attraction, that is, I was aware of my ability to manifest what I paid attention to and acted on. I also believe that when I feel good (with a clear conscience) about my decisions, things will not only work out, but work out for everyone. My trust in this law goes beyond knowing that my thoughts will create what I want. My thoughts will also attract experiences that my soul needs to grow. The following story about how a little disaster was actually just what I needed to build a successful business.

I had just finished that last concrete for a large stamped concrete project for a wealthy family in an exclusive area. The work included a backyard, front porch, walkway, and long driveway. We poured the last section of the driveway, which connected to the street. I put up barricades in the street to safeguard the work before I went home. This was the last in the project and it went well. I was completely satisfied. However, when I arrived the next morning to do the final detail work, I found that a brief, localized rain had damaged a very small but visible part of the fresh concrete. The entire last section was beautiful, except for this small area where the rain marred the surface. All the work had gone well and the work was beautiful. I wondered, “How could this happen?” I got sick to my stomach. It hadn’t rained at my house a few miles away! I felt like a victim.

My mind raced as I searched various thoughts for a solution. Maybe the owner wouldn’t notice. What about the people who drive? They might notice only the imperfection without knowing that the rest of the work was perfect. Perhaps he could patch up the damaged area; It would be fast and cheap. But what if it didn’t match? He still felt the knot in his stomach. I followed another line of thought. Removing the entire last section would be more expensive, but it would mean that everything would match. The whole project would then be flawless. I breathed in and this slowed down my thinking. I mentally calculated the cost of the replacement: the labor; the concrete; the inconvenience of calling other customers to tell them you wouldn’t be there when you said. I calculated the earnings from the job I had scheduled for the next two weeks and determined that there was more than enough earnings on this job and even more in the next two weeks. I decided to replace the entire last section. I felt a huge relief instantly! Slowing down so I could have thoughts other than panic and fear made all the difference. My stomach was immediately more relaxed.

A moment later, the man of the house, a prominent dentist, came out to say hello. Between sips of his coffee he congratulated me on a job well done. I brought the area of ​​concern to his attention. Even after I pointed it out to him, he said that he couldn’t really see the imperfection. I encouraged him to look at it from a different angle. “Ah, sounds good to me” he said. For a brief moment I thought maybe I could just leave him the way he was. I couldn’t. He needed to have a clear conscience. Even though the blemish was only about 4 square feet out of a project that involved thousands of square feet, I knew it’s the blemishes that get noticed. I wanted to clean and clear leaving an impeccable project. This entire scenario unfolded in the space of a few minutes. The decision I made represented a turning point in my consciousness and in my career.

In those brief moments I moved from fear-based thinking to possibility thinking and also seeing responsibility differently. I didn’t think then that I had all the responsibility resolved and I still don’t. However, the experience was revealing. The way I came to that conclusion about the driveway was by realizing that I needed to answer to my own standards, not someone else’s. While I didn’t like the feeling I got when I thought I was a disaster and would lose huge amounts of money, what bothered me the most was having a job that didn’t make me happy.

I took time to breathe. I thought about the job I had scheduled and what the earnings would be. By breathing and reasoning, I made sure that the funds would be available to do the job right, continue to pay all my bills, and make a profit. The biggest consideration was to be true to my standards. He was committed to doing high-quality work, every time.

I needed that lesson to forge the commitment to excellence that has paid off ever since. There were additional Universal Laws that came into play. Knowing that you really had more than enough money describes the Law of Abundance. Knowing that more money was coming in describes the Law of Prosperity. As soon as I made the decision that supported my goals, I felt more grounded and complete. My body immediately relaxed. I felt great because the fear was released! Fear is usually the unproductive use of the imagination. I was able to be present, breathe and feel better instantly after making the right decision. The veracity and value of that decision in terms of business came back to me many times, as both the architect of that job and the owners recommended work to me for years. This was the beginning of being more responsible with myself than with others. I was forming an attitude of sacred service to my higher self. I was living my ideals.

That lesson, which emerged early in my decorative concrete business, made me set the bar high in terms of delivering the best possible product and also treating the customer as I would like to be treated. This is the meaning of the golden rule. I learned to always take the right path and that the money would always come back. Money is temporary and transitory. It comes and it goes. Having more money than I need today does not mean that today is more or less spiritual than yesterday. Money represents energy. Money is energy. Money is a tool to be used and by doing so we recognize our value. The money spent on replacing the last section of the driveway paled in comparison to the volume of work that came my way over the ensuing years. Furthermore, it reinforced the principle of being true to the Self and not compromising one’s standards.

The principle of doing your best establishes a field of attraction that is greater than we can consciously imagine. Integrity is attractive. Confidence is attractive. The intention to always do the best we can produces prosperity and abundance. It works all the time, for anyone, anywhere. If we always feel like we don’t have enough, we will only attract lack, until we decide to choose a different response to the stimulus. Thinking that I am not valuable and unworthy makes it very difficult to attract more money (or energy) to me because I am sending a plea to the universe to create situations in my life that offer me the opportunity to change my way of thinking, to take another decision. about my attitudes with money and my self-esteem.

Sometimes I wonder about the probabilities of that rain and how it came at the right time to formulate and solidify a guiding principle in life of what it really means to be responsible: responsible for oneself.

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