The law of sowing and reaping

We read from the biblical book of Genesis 8:32

“As long as the earth remains, sowing and reaping, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease”

Also in the biblical book of Galatians 6:7-9, we read

“Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but he who sows to the spirit will reap from the spirit forever.” and let us not get tired, then, of doing good, because in due time we will reap, if we do not fail”.

Planting time and harvest time will never cease as long as this land remains. This means that if you sow, you will reap. No matter how good or bad you are, you will reap what you plant. Success in life does not respond to being good or holy, it does not respect only fasting and prayer, it responds only to sowing and harvesting. Three things must be continually sown by you if you want to experience a continuous harvest. They are your Time, Talent and Treasure.

your time

First you should invest your time in the things of God, then in your family, then in your business or work. The more time you spend with God, the more favor God gives you and the more supernatural power of God works in your favor. Also, as you spend quality time with your family, you can influence and steer your family in the right direction. When you put in some really good time for your business, you will become more proficient at that job.

your treasure

Giving your money is very essential. You owe God qualitatively and generously. Solomon beyond the normal large offering, he gave a thousand offerings and God blessed him beyond the normal natural blessings. Give your money, your titles, plant a great seed in the kingdom of God, these are the spiritual raw materials that continue to build the pillar of success that no man or force on earth can shake. Bless your pastor, wrap up some money and give it to him. This is for your own good, you are the one who benefits from such giving, not the one who gives it, or the one who receives it from you. Financial prosperity responds to giving, not fasting, not holy living. I sincerely hope that you understand this simple fact of life without distorting it or misunderstanding my point.

I learned the art of giving from Bishop David Oyedepo through his books and tapes, it was initially difficult for me to understand. The truth is that the things of God are not to be understood, they are to be fully believed and obeyed, that is why we are called believers. So I started to sow good seeds in people’s lives, the offerings I give started to increase, my titles became more regular and guess what? God has not stopped blessing me since then.

Dear reader, give to God, sow good seeds in the Kingdom and your harvest will be great. Giving to God, you should also invest your money in a profitable business venture. You can never be rich by earning a salary, it will only make you feel comfortable. If you want financial prosperity and independence, you need to invest in a profitable business venture.

What type of business is good for you?

There are a thousand and one businesses, but you must know yourself and what you love to do, if you do what you love, you will not get bored or tired, even if you are working hard, it will be fun to do it because you love it. . It is also good to study your environment and be attentive to a need, find out what is missing; what you can give in terms of products or services that people will gladly pay you with appreciation. If you can find a need of the people around you and make a plan to offer a solution, this is the way to locate an attractive commercial business.

You can do it, just let your motivation be right, let it be to help others, to offer a solution to their problems, to help fulfill a need, then in a matter of time you will see yourself becoming a huge success in your community. Your financial rise will be unstoppable by any force on earth.

Let me suggest that if you are a salaryman, you should start thinking about how you will fire your boss. Think about what you can give to humanity in exchange for their money; think about what you can invest that can pay you back millions in real time.

David C Joe said “you will quit, retire or be fired from your current job” Why wait until you are fired or retired? Why don’t you quit now to start a business; Although the beginning may be small, with time and hard work, you can turn that small business into a powerful multinational company. As I write this, I feel in my spirit that someone reading this book is coming out of slavery; someone is climbing the ladder; You are the person?


You must be ready to give all your talents to whatever you ultimately decide to do as a business. You must give everything of yourself in that business, your way of thinking, your energy, all your capacity, everything.

See for yourself, what special ability you have found, I mean that which is easy and interesting for you, that is your talent, use it and exploit it to the fullest. That is your rod, that is what will part the red sea of ​​life before you, use that talent. Many things and people will benefit from that talent of yours if you properly channel it in the right direction. You are not a biological accident, you are not a waste, there is a reason for your existence, discover it and fulfill your purpose.

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