The Wisdom of Our Parents – Lessons and Letters from Daughters and Sons by Tim Russert

Whether with tough love or a soft touch, Wisdom of our fathers speaks to everyone through many heartfelt and unforgettable anecdotes and first-hand accounts of parent-child relationships.

There is always an exchange of wisdom between parents and children. All children, sons or daughters, carry something of their parents in their hearts, even those who had limited experience with their parents; for each experience or each memory there is a treasure that sticks like a vignette in the memory.

Tim Russert, the author, after posting Big Russ and me About his own father, he received tens of thousands of emails from readers of people who told stories about his parents. He put this book together from excerpts from some of those readers’ experiences. The author begins the book with a memory of his own and a sentence that personifies what this book is about. “Little moments? Often times it’s those little gestures, a knowing look, a pat on the back, an unexpected kindness, that make a big impression and shape our favorite memories.”

After the introduction and before the epilogue and acknowledgments, twenty sections are listed in the book, such as: Honor, Mr. Mom, Being There, Loss, Forgiveness, The Provider, Missing Dads, The Protector, Forbearance, Discipline and The father knows best. . Each section is meaningful and meaningful and offers poignant memories. For example, in the Be There section, Russell indicates that ninety-nine percent of parenting consists of being available. Consequently, most of the tender and positive memories about parents refer to their ability to listen and their kind guidance of their children, either by example or by simple actions.

Author Tim Russert was born in Buffalo, New York, on May 7, 1950. After graduating with honors from Cleveland-Marshall School of Law, he served as a counselor in the New York Governor’s office in Albany and as a special counsel in the U.S. Senate of the States. He joined NBC News in 1984 and was the moderator of “Meet the Press,” beginning in December 1991. In 2008, he was chosen by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He won numerous prestigious awards, including an Emmy, VFW News Media, Allen H. Neuharth Award for Excellence in Journalism, David Brinkley Award for Excellence in Communication, John Peter Zenger Award, and American Legion Journalism Award. He was also inducted into the Cable and Broadcasting Hall of Fame. In addition to all of his accomplishments, he was known for his tenacity and passion. Tim Russert passed away from a heart attack on June 13, 2008.

Wisdom of our fathers It is published in May 2006 by Random House, hardcover, 304 pages with ISBN-10: 1400064805 and ISBN-13: 978-1400064809.

This book is not only to praise parents, but also to express the gratitude that children carry in their hearts throughout their lives, pointing out values ​​that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Wisdom of our fathers it is a legacy left to all parents and their children, as a gentle encouragement to respect and appreciate each other, and for parents, to become the most loving and efficient parents that they can be.

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