Is the John Morrison Sportschamp betting system legit?

Well, I’ve been seeing questions on the internet and forums about this guy, John Morrison, whose system I’ve been using. I wanted to give everyone my unbiased take on the champion of sports betting.

  1. First of all, John Morrison has his own angle. He lures you in with the promise of a lifetime NBA and MLB pick for just $197. This promise is true, I have been a subscriber for more than 2 years and what it promises it delivers. However, once you sign up, you’ll be bombarded with invitations to subscribe to their other systems. Also, at the start of her second MLB season with him, she will “downgrade” him to standard, which means he’ll only get an email with the pick starting 15 minutes before the game. Upgrading to his premium service will cost you a bit more. Real systems work. It is a three game progressive betting system, so you may end up making substantial bets for little return. This is especially true if you sign up for their NHL system. Most of those games are around 300 (1/3 for the other Brits).
  2. My personal experience I said earlier that I have been registered with this guy for more than 2 years. In my first year I thought I knew more than his system so I started adjusting it and ended up losing everything. At the end of June 2009, I started over with just $100 in the bank. I was betting 10% of my pot (on the high side, but more on that later). At the beginning of December 2009 I had over $4,000 in my betting account. Then we had a disaster, the last bet in a series was lost and I lost over $1500 on that bet. This is where I have a bit of a problem with John Morrison. At the time of making that bet, the system said to bet the run line and buy 3 points (this was an NBA bet). I don’t remember the team we were betting on, but the spread was above -4 points. They won the game, but were unable to cover the spread. At that time, he wrote to say that he was changing the system, so if his pick was -3 points or worse, he should bet the money line. He then proceeded to declare that his system was undefeated, just as it was under the new rules!
  3. Summary John Morrison is not a con man. He is a very savvy salesperson and will come to you time and time again to sign up for his other systems, which is how he makes a lot of money. I’ve subscribed to all of them (I’m guessing I’ve spent over $1,000 with it in the past year). Honestly, he wouldn’t put too much into his daily picks as there’s no system behind them in my opinion, even though he hits a lot of times, it’s really what he thinks. I’ve wasted quite a bit of money on those. However, today I just posted my check to upgrade to your premium MLB picks service and will continue to subscribe to all of your other systems (NOTE: systems are not daily picks). The bottom line is, if you stick to the system and manage your bank well (MAX 5% of your bank per opening bet, no exceptions), you will make money. So if you want to learn more, check here.

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